
Kairao works directly with indigenous leaders on their land to realise projects which improve quality of life, strengthen culture and preserve the natural world around.

The aim of Kairao is to spread indigenous wisdom and through this to give back to the original cultures of the Amazon rainforest as well as to the rainforest itself.

All of our projects are backed and directed by indigenous leaders, bridging the knowledge of these two worlds to bring a brighter future for both.

Centro Awavãna

Centro Awavãna

After entering her spiritual study, Hushahu continued to live very simply semi-isolated in the rainforest. She began to teach inside of her people and, after many years, she began to teach in the world outside. Through this she saw the transformation that the Yawanawá tradition could bring in both worlds. But she also became increasingly concerned for the future of the tradition as well as for the rainforest itself.

Anihu Xinãya Traditional School

Anihu Xinãya Traditional School

The key to cultural preservation is in the next generation. Since the missionary occupation, the Yawanawá language is barely spoken outside of the tribe’s elders. There are very few youth who speak the language fluently and few families who know how to tell the traditional stories for educating children as they grow.